Bundle up your home to save money and significantly increase comfort.
Designed to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer, properly installed insulation can significantly lower your electricity bill. There are several common types of insulation – fiberglass, cellulose, rigid foam board and spray foam – all of which can help you save electricity and money. When adding insulation, make sure you know the R-value of the product you are considering. Used to measure the insulation's thermal performance, a higher R-value will deliver more insulating power.
- Incentive Application
- Weatherization Program Trade Ally List
- Insulation Calculator
- Hiring a Contractor
- Eligible Customers
Energy Saving Benefits
- Use less electricity for heating and cooling by reducing heat transfer in and out of your house
- Save money by using less electricity to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home
Environmental Benefits
Avoid greenhouse gas emissions by using less electricity to maintain the temperature of your home.
Getting Started
Insulation may be self-installed by homeowners or installed by a qualified weatherization trade ally. Customers interested in using a trade ally can find a qualified trade ally using the Utah Weatherization Program Trade Ally list. When choosing to use a trade ally, review the Incentive Application with them to determine eligibility requirements, incentive qualifications and review the list of required documents to submit for an incentive.
Incentive Application and required documents must be postmarked within 90 days of the work completed date. Insulation must be fully installed prior to submitting an Incentive Application. Incentive checks are issued within 45 days of receipt of the completed and approved Incentive Application. Checks are only payable to the account holder or verified third party payee. Incentives are not to exceed the project cost and are limited to the square footage of the qualified area of the home (wall, floor or attic). Work may be inspected for compliance. Incentives are subject to tariff approval and may change with 45 days notice. Additional terms and conditions may apply.
Self-installers are eligible for incentives on materials only and documentation of R-values and square footage must be provided. This information will be listed on the register receipt or insulation packaging.
To ensure your home is eligible for an incentive and below the maximum insulation depth requirements, please use the insulation depth calculator. Prior to your trade ally recording measurements, take a peek in your attic and do it yourself!
Available Incentives
Qualified Weatherization Trade Ally Installed Insulation |
Electrically Heated |
Electrically Cooled |
Attic Insulation | $0.65 sq/ft | $0.15 sq/ft |
Wall Insulation | $0.65 sq/ft | $0.30 sq/ft |
Floor Insulation | $0.65 sq/ft | N/A |
Bonus Incentive (see below) | $300 | N/A |
Self-Installed Insulation |
Electrically Heated |
Electrically Cooled |
Attic Insulation | $0.40 sq/ft | $0.15 sq/ft |
Wall Insulation | $0.45 sq/ft | $0.20 sq/ft |
Floor Insulation | $0.25 sq/ft | N/A |
For all insulation projects- Home must have an electric heating system or an electric cooling system serving at least 80% of the home’s conditioned floor area.
- Electrically heated home incentives apply to houses with a permanently installed electric furnace, heat pump or electric zonal heating system (baseboard or ceiling/wall heaters) as the current primary heat source. Space heaters do not qualify.
- Homes with an electric heating system and a central air conditioner only qualify for “Electrically heated home” incentives.
- Electrically cooled home incentives apply to houses with a permanently installed ducted electric central air conditioner as the current primary cooling source and a non-electric (gas, oil or propane) heating system.
- Incentives are available for existing homes only and may be installed by a qualified weatherization trade ally or self-installed by homeowners.
- All installations must be performed in accordance with the Home Energy Savings Residential Weatherization Specifications found in the Utah Qualified Weatherization Trade Ally Program Manual.
- Work performed as part of building code requirements is not eligible for an incentive.
- Areas that are not finished or conditioned living spaces (permanently installed heating or ducted cooling), such as a garage, do not qualify.
- Incentives are limited to one insulation incentive per type (attic, floor, and/or wall insulation) for the lifetime of the home.
- Incentive amount cannot exceed the total cost of the project. Self-installers are eligible for incentives on materials only.
- Existing insulation must be R-20 or less
- Final insulation depth must be R-38 or greater
- Home must have an electric heating system serving at least 80% of the home’s conditioned floor area. Electric cooling is not sufficient to meet the requirement for a floor insulation incentive.
- Existing insulation must be R-18 or less.
- Final insulation depth must be R-30 or greater.
- Floor insulation must be installed between conditioned and unconditioned space in order to qualify for incentives (basement floors do not qualify).
- Existing insulation must be R-10 or less.
- Final insulation depth must be R-13 or fully fill cavity.
- Basements must be finished or conditioned living space (permanently installed heating or ducted for cooling) in order to qualify. Interior walls, such as walls between rooms, do not qualify.
- Insulation along rim joists does not qualify.
- The full extent of two Qualified areas in the same residence must be insulated at the same time and must be submitted on the same application. The full extent means the entire Qualified attic area, all Qualified exterior walls, and the entire Qualified floor area.
- Any combination of two qualified areas is acceptable: attic & wall, attic & floor, wall & floor.
- Both areas must independently qualify for each individual incentive.
- Incentive is available only to customers who use a qualified weatherization trade ally for all Qualified measures.
- Only available in homes with electric heating systems.
- Only applies to single family homes.