Gain a competitive advantage when you become a Heating & Cooling trade ally.
Pacific Power invites you to participate as a Heating & Cooling participating or Program Qualified Contractor in the Home Energy Savings program. When you become a qualified Heating and Cooling trade ally you can take advantage of cash incentives and other program benefits.
Participating and Program Qualified contactors receive cash incentives for the purchase and installation of energy-efficient heating and cooling equipment and services. Your company information will be added to our website as either a participating or Program Qualified Contractor and included as a resource for customers calling our toll-free program support hotline. You are also eligible take advantage of cooperative marketing opportunities and training classes. Your participation means increased customer exposure, the opportunity for more sales and cash incentives. These benefits can be yours when you become an HVAC trade ally today!
Signing up is easy and costs you nothing! Call the Heating & Cooling Hotline at 1-800-942-0287 for more information and to learn about becoming a participating or Program Qualified Contractor.