We're happy to answer any questions or address concerns about our Home Energy Savings program. Please address mailed correspondence to:
Pacific Power
Home Energy Savings Program
100 S.W. Main St., Suite 1600
Portland, OR 97204
If you are a residential customer with questions about products and services that qualify for incentives, please call our Customer Hotline at 1-800-942-0266.
If you are an HVAC contractor with questions about qualified products and services, or would like to become a qualified program contractor, please call our Heating & Cooling Contractor Hotline at 1-800-942-0287. And please visit our page for Heating & Cooling Contractors.
If you are a windows & insulation contractor and have questions about qualifying products and services, please call our Weatherization Contractor Hotline at 1-800-942-0281. And please visit our page for Windows & Insulation Contractors.
If you are a retailer and have questions about qualifying products or would like to become a program participating retailer, please call our Retailer Hotline at 1-877-507-2247. And please visit our page for Retailers.
Phone hours are 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (Monday – Friday)
You may also reach us via e-mail or fax:
General Inquiries – HESP@peci.org
Heating & Cooling Inquiries – HEShvac@peci.org
Heating & Cooling and Weatherization Contractor Inquiries – HESTradeAllyPP@pacificpower.net
General fax – 1-800-687-6176